The Cults of Evita and Imelda

Feb 06, 2009
*Special to asia!
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How much do Evita Peron and Imelda Marcos have in common?  Read our fact sheet to find  out.


Evita Peron

  • Born into poverty in 1922 in squalid Los Toldos
  • Became an actress
  • Married Juan Peron
  • Wielded a charismatic influence amongst the poor and working class of Argentina
  • Died 1952 of cancer at age 33
  • 2004: Her personal effects and memorabilia were auctioned by Christie’s

Imelda Marcos

  • Born into the powerful Romualdez clan in 1929 in rustic Tacloban
  • Entered Miss Philippines beauty pageant, persuaded mayor to give her the top prize
  • 1954 Married Ferdinand Marcos
  • Held sway over the masses with her singing and her beauty
  • Facing more than 150 court cases
  • 2003: Some of her jewellery was auctioned for more than $20 million


vivienne khooOnce a lifestyle editor at a website, a newspaper journalist and a food editor, Vivienne Khoo writes about luxury hotels, food and travel whenever she is not sub-editing. The perfume industry and essential oils are her pet topics at the moment.

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