Dan-Chyi Chua was a broadcast journalist, before forsaking Goggle Box Glitz for the Open Road. A three-year foray led her through the Middle East, China, SE Asia, Latin America and Cuba, and she's now grounded herself as a writer for theasiamag.com, content with spending her days in Jerusalem.
Nepal's ever expanding city of Kathmandu is literally being built on the backs of Nepal's porters. Photojournalist Pushpa Adhikari tells the story of these whethered men. MORE>>
In November 2012, a team of six eye surgeons from Nepal and Indonesia visited the cities of Padangsidempuan and Medan in Indonesia's North Sumatra, with the mission to help the blind see again. MORE>>
Ram Bahadur has to work for each and everything. Most times, he stands at the gate, sometimes he has to fetch water, othertimes he has to go to the market to buy vegetables and fruits. He is no ordinary security guard. MORE>>
School is a place for learning about the ABCs and life. It is not merely an educational institution, it has become an essential part of childhood - a place we associate with early memories. These are memories from a student in one of Nepal's government schools. MORE>>