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It was a sacrilege, the neighbors cried,

The way she shattered every mullioned pane

To let a firebrand in. They tried in vain

It was a sacrilege, the neighbors cried,

The way she shattered every mullioned pane

To let a firebrand in. They tried in vain

To understand how one so carved from pride

And glassed in dream could have so flung aside

Her graven days, or why she dared profane

The bread and wine of life for one insane

Moment with him. The scandal never died.

But no one guessed that loveliness would claim

Her soul's cathedral burned by his desires,

Or that he left her aureoled in flame. . .

And seeing nothing but her blackened spires,

The town condemned this girl who loved too well

And found her heaven in the depths of hell.



The Philippines, 1907–1995