In Images: Ancient Chinese Erotic Art
Chinese erotic art is a little known tradition because much of it was destroyed during the Mao era. asia! brings you a selection.

Chinese erotic art is a little known tradition because much of it was destroyed during the Mao era. asia! brings you a selection.
Chinese erotic art in letters, paintings and crafts was a tradition that spanned from antiquity until its apex in the Late Ming Dynasty (early 17th century). This art was not just produced for stimulation. Chinese erotica was layered in ideals of feminine beauty, narratives on imperial and vernacular life and most importantly, humour, tenderness and love. However, Chinese erotic art is a little known tradition because much of it was destroyed during the Mao era. (Text source: [4])
This post was originally published in 张子涵的图文世界 [5] in September 2010.