Feed the Hungry Philippines has been feeding the hungry in the country for almost 18 years — from 10,000 miles away.
A theasiamag.com's initiative to combat child sex tourism in Southeast Asia
The local organisation was established to protect the right of victims of Agent Orange and dioxin used by the US forces on the civilian population during the Vietnam war.
Cleft lips and palates are caused generally poor diet, alcohol, drugs and cigarettes use by expectant mothers. 
Blue Dragon is a grassroots foundation working with kids in crisis throughout Vietnam.
Action for Singapore Dogs (ASD) aims to help the homeless and helpless dogs of Singapore to find a better quality of life.
An animal welfare society, the SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) works towards the humane treatment of animals.
ISCOS (Industrial and Service Co-operative Society Limited), is a social enterprise that helps ex-offenders reintegrate into society.
Project Humane Transport fights against this dangerous form of human transport by promoting safer travel.
MINDS services encompass 5 Special Schools, 3 Employment Development Centres, 3 Day Training and Development Centres and one multi-service Residential Home.
This wholly Filipino-run and managed organisation is one of those helping slum dwellers living in poverty in Manila.
Tiwala, a Christian Charity, seeks to help needy children in Philippines. They run a centre for street children, a foster placement programme, and an outreach programme.
Yayasan Harapan Permata Hati Kita works towards rehabilitation for drug addicts.
Yayasan Bhakti Luhur is dedicated to caring for the physically and mentally disabled.
Bloom sells bags handmade by Cambodians from recycled rice and fish feed bags, which are both environmentally-friendly and help to give disadvantaged Cambodians jobs with reasonable pay.