Fighting Words

Apr 16, 2009
*Special to asia!
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The plaintiff

“I have a lot friends and relatives helping me (in the lawsuit).”

Wang Din-shin, January 1999. He was living on less than HK$10,000($1,289) a month.

“If the other side wants to ask for legal fees, ask Teddy Wang. Take from his estate."

Wang Din-shin, Sept 17, 2005, after his defeat. He refuses to pay Nina Wang’s legal costs. Fees on both sides could come to HK$200 million.

“I felt like someone has tossed me over a cliff.”

Edward Chan, lawyer for Wang Din-shin, Sept 17, 2005, after phoning his client with the bad news. Chan was convinced he would win the case.

“(Mr Wang Din-shin) is somewhat disappointed (over the verdict). But life goes on.”

A caretaker of the 94-year-old Wang, Sept 17, 2005.


The Deceased

“One life, one love.”

Teddy Wang, on the envelope containing his 1990 (last) will.


The Defendant

Nina Wang, fielding questions from reporters after her court victory, Sept 7, 2005

Q: Do you think Mr (Teddy) Wang would support you going to court with his father?

A: Why don’t you ask him when he comes back?

Q: You think he will?

A: Of course.

Q: How do you see your relationship with your father-in-law after such a long and bitter lawsuit?

A: Well, he started it first.


The Relative

“I was almost kidnapped!”

Dr Kung Yan-sum, younger brother of Nina Wang, a key witness of the trial, Sept 15, 2005. On the eve of the final verdict, he was assaulted while out walking his dog, and taken to hospital for treatment.


The Judges

“Why should Teddy (write) the words 'one life, one love' when the evidence before the court suggests that Teddy was not a romantic person at all?”

High Court Judge David Yam, who found the 1990 will a forgery, November 2002. His verdict was overturned by the Court of Final Appeal.

“The resources of the parties or the ingenuity of counsel, or both, resulted in a record-breaking 172-day trial. Unparalleled in the legal history of Hong Kong, the trial was a chimera, with a fire-breathing mouth that had devoured a significant part of our judicial capacity and a serpent's tail in the form of a 600-page judgment.”

Justice Wally Yeung, the Court of Appeal, June 2004.

"Had the [trial] judge exercised proper control of the proceedings, the evidence would have been confined to a narrow compass and apart from the expert evidence on handwriting, would have occupied no more than a few days in court."

Judge Henry Litton, Court of Final Appeal, Sept 16, 2005


lee han shihLee Han Shih is the founder, publisher and editor of asia! Magazine.


Contact Han Shih