Putting Radiation into Perspective

Mar 16, 2011
*Special to asia!
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In the wake of explosions at Japan’s Fukushima plants, the radiation fears are swirling. But what do the millisieverts mean?

There’s the hoax sms-es that have made their way across the region, warning Asians to stay out of the radioactive rain.

Governments are scrambling to test Japanese food imports for radiation.

But what do the millisieverts mean? An educational Japanese poster explains radiation levels present in flights, CT scans and the environment - and where Fukushima stands.



Image source: https://twitpic.com/49mm4l


Fukushima plant image source: By KEI at ja.wikipedia


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Simone ErasmusWhen she isn't writing children's storybooks or expounding on food, Simone can be found in the kitchen, concocting fiery curries or bravely attempting layers of genoise. She has written for The Business Times Singapore, and also contributed to research in arts and culture across the region at the National University of Singapore. She is currently writing a series of books for preschoolers, to be published soon to the iPhone and iPad.

Contact Simone

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