Saturday, 27 February 2010


Lee Han Shih

lee han shih

Lee Han Shih is the founder, publisher and editor of asia! Magazine.


[email protected]


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Dependents of the state: The Chen Shui-bian saga
December 16, 2008
Special to asia!

It turns out that the family of Taiwan's former President Chen Shui-bian—wife, son, daughter, son-in-law—has been using a slush fund earmarked by the president for state purposes as their private shopping kitty. From a diamond ring to toilet paper, this growing list is now a source of endless mirth to the cynical Taiwanese who have long given up hope on their government.

The shopping list that is bringing
down a government...

Chen Chih-ching (son)
Item Price (NT$)
Law books 2488
Magazines 1600
Theme park pen holder 1200
Meals 5379
(in Tony Roma's, Bellini Café etc)
Shopping 3808
TOTAL: $14’475

Wu Shu-chen (wife)
Item Price (NT$)
SOGO gift voucher 279419
Cosmetics 99750
Gifts 175650
Sunglasses 17000
Meals in Hilton Hotel 25569
Japanese meal 26925
Imported women clothing 11592
Scarf from London 35000
Tiffany diamond ring 30000
Toilet paper from Watsons 30
TOTAL: $700’935

Chen Hsing-yu (daughter)
Item Price (NT$)
Burberry 49944
Disney English lessons 44500
Baby goods 16000
Children's wood set 791
Barrier for baby bed 1395
Baby clothing 1470
Health supplements 9046
TOTAL: $123’146

RECEIPT NO. 150014
Chao Chien-min (son-in-law)
Item Price (NT$)
Japanese meal 10560
Shopping 19110
Magazine 1621
Pillows 3990
Duvet 14440
Phone 6080
TOTAL: $55’801

1 US$ = NT$32.86


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Wu Shu-jen: Corruptor



As a Taiwanese, I support the

As a Taiwanese, I support the clampdown on corruption regardless of political affiliations. However, the current Taiwanese government seems only interested in uncovering corruption by DPP and not KMT. The Chinese Nationalist Party is irrefutably the most corrupt political party in Taiwan, yet there's absolutely no political will to delve into corruption allegations against Lee Teng Hui, Diane Lee or any of the KMT legislators.


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