"We" is me and the societies and communities I associate myself with.
The use of convenient, charismatic mega fauna in school textbooks leaves students and makes a society, environmentally disassociated.
Do stories make the news, or does the news make the stories?
My second day in Nepal and I'm given the task of teaching young women some brief skills in public speaking.
As a photographer, we're always taking things away from people. Entering their home, we take their hospitality, their time, patience, and welcome. So it's a real privilege to be able to give something back once in awhile.
There's a saying that goes, "Everything I needed to learn about life, I learned from my cat." I always thought whoever said that was exaggerating.
A 24-year old aborigine from Arnhem straddles the differences, benefits and challenges of the "old" world and the new.
Knowing no borders, birds are the most well-travelled animals on this planet. Imagine the stories they could tell us if we just took a moment to listen.
The mission was to find dinner. I got a map from the hotel and became curious about the this ancient river that was so close to my hotel. So I made a detour.
"It's about time." I'm whispering to myself. No. I'm exclaiming out loud in my head! What took me so long? The last time I was here was on December 23, 2005. Three days before the Indian Ocean tsunami levelled the northern tip of Sumatra.
We're at the foot of the Gangapurna Mountain. I take a last look at Gangapurna glacier in the daylight. Tomorrow I will leave before sunrise.
It's been a day of nerves, physique and emotions. Beginning at 0730, Mukhiya and I ascended Gangapurna in search of blue sheep and the elusive musk deer.

Chilli Padi
Couch Potato
From Jerusalem to the West Bank
Talking the Walk
Words and Letters