The News Sampler Menu, May 4, 2009
Fresh this week is our Super-Size Asian menu, as we present the Asian countries that have been graded on various international rankings! Comes free with the world's favourite beer. (Well, sort of.)
- Outside Asia
- Japan
- Iran
- South Korea
- Philippines
- Middle East/West Asia
- Turkey
- United Arab Emirates
- North Asia
- Southeast Asia
- Definition: Culture
- Economy and Economics
- Food and Recipe
- Social Injustices and Poverty Report
- Society, Class and Division
- About Elly
- Asghar Farhadi
- cloning
- Film Festivals
- films
- Islamic extremism
- Leisure
- rankings
The News Sampler Menu April 13, 2009
Our theme for this menu is “Just Desserts”, serving up justice with an array of Central Asian bites and crowd-pleasing Turkish Delights. Enjoy!
- China
- Outside Asia
- Europe
- Russia
- North America
- Tajikistan
- India
- South America
- Iran
- Iraq
- Myanmar (Burma)
- Middle East/West Asia
- Turkey
- North Asia
- South Asia
- Southeast Asia
- Geopolitics and Strategic Relations
- Of Government and Politics
- Unrest, Conflicts and Wars
- All about Leaders
- Leaders in Military Ranks
- People in Government and Politics
- The Asian Diaspora in the US/North America
- Alberto Fujimori
- Barack Obama
- Kal Penn
Country: TURKEY
Capital: Ankara
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- Asian Dynasties and History
- Conservation of the Environment
- Definition: Culture
- Economy and Economics
- Food and Recipe
- Geopolitics and Strategic Relations
- Health and Body
- Of Government and Politics
- Religion and Practices
- Social Injustices and Poverty Report
- Society, Class and Division
- Unrest, Conflicts and Wars

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