Unrest, Conflicts and Wars
The Birth of a Nation: Israel in Pictures
David Rubinger was there at some of the most significant moments of Israel's history. His photographs are a testimony of its tumultuous past, which remains very much a part of the country's present. He shared these works of his in an exclusive interview with
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Israel needs to take a step back and listen to Goldstone about Gaza
If Israel keeps fudging on an inquiry into Gaza, all it is doing is pronouncing itself guilty as charged.
Sleeping on the sidewalk in Jerusalem
Under the shade of an olive tree, an evicted Palestinian family is caught in a strange stand-off with the Jewish settlers who have taken over their home.
Xinjiang’s new female fighters
A new group of dissenters has emerged from China’s recent ethnic riots – Uighur Muslim women.
Homeless and on the run in Pakistan's paradise
Overnight, more than two million in the "Switzerland of the East" find themselves homeless in their own country as the Pakistani government wages an all-out war against the Taliban.
Hospitality tradition helps ease Pakistan’s refugee crisis
The solidarity derived from traditional hospitality has provided a pillar of strength to the embattled nation.
Friends without borders
A volunteer group hopes pen pals will help break down barriers between India and Pakistan.
India-Pakistan Friendship
Their governments may be at odds with each other, but some children are choosing peace over conflict. brings you the handmade personal greetings by kids from one side of the border to the other.
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Peace, when?
If you are Lebanese and under 30 years old, you definitely would have lived through war.
Letters to the President
The rest of the world may consider him a despot or a lunatic, or something in between. For tens of thousands of Iranians though, Mahmoud Ahmedinejad is their salvation.
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