Conservation of the Environment
Can a music festival save a rainforest?
When the Rainforest World Music Festival was conceived 12 years ago, saving rainforests was not one of its objectives.
Sarawak's Lan-è Tuyang performs against a rainforest backdrop at the Rainforest World Music Festival.
Cancer threatens China's children
In a feat unparalleled in history, China has lifted an entire generation out of abject poverty. But in doing so, she may have also doomed the next generation. looks at the rising incidence of cancer among Chinese children.
Puff, the Chinese Dragon
This year the Chinese will puff away 2 trillion (2,000,000,000,000) cigarettes, an average of four sticks a day for each of the 1.3 billion people in the country.
10 Eco-Myths Busted
Thought you were being green? Let us burst your bubble and tell you how you really can make a difference for this planet. at Biofuels Conference 2009
Advances in alternative fuel and methods of conserving forests remain controversial and experimental.
Stroke or Stir-fry?
Dog owners in China have become an economic and social force to be reckoned with nowadays. Therein lies the risk.
A new breed of animal lovers oppose Beijing's dog cull
Attitudes towards pet ownership and care are changing in modern China as pets become an increasingly important part of many people’s lives – as a failed dog cull by the Beijing Municipal Government demonstrates.
Biofuel production to expand in the Tropics
Biofuels Asia 2009 opens in Singapore with discussions and contention about the future of the Oil Palm industry in Southeast Asia.
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