Definition: Culture
Lion Dance
Lion dances originated in India along with Buddhist lore and ritual. The popular form of lion dancing seen in todays Chinese culture evolved in China, though several countries throughout the Asian region, including Japan, have developed their own styles of lion dance through the centuries. Two popular styles of "lion" in Southeast Asia are the Northern and the Southern lion. Northern lions resemble a Pekinese dog both in appearance and behaviour and it is believed that their design came about following the death of a Pekinese dog belonging to the daughter of the Jade Emperor.
Two peoples and the wall between them
History and culture, religion and nations, politics and conflicts.
They have all clashed in Jerusalem for thousands of years.
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the latest chapter, and this is a blog of pages about the people, issues and voices muted too long by the politicking and fighting.
View From Jerusalem to the Palestinian West Bank in a larger map
*The white dotted lines indicate the demarcation between Israel and the Palestinian-controlled territories of Gaza and the West Bank.
A special coverage of the Second Palestinian Festival of Literature, as it brings some 20 international writers – western and Arab – to the West Bank, from Arab East Jerusalem to Ramallah, Jenin, Bethlehem, and Hebron.
Reality Check or How to hold a festival under occupation
"You can't escape politics here."
Acting class in Jenin with Monty Python's Michael Palin
Crossing the Qalandia checkpoint into Israel
Is there something we should be doing for the Palestinians?
Hanging out at Hebron University
Of printed words that close the festival
Learning about matters of faith on a Jewish holy day
This series of three stories looks at the issue of land in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with a special focus on the city of Jerusalem.
The Palestinians claim East Jerusalem as territory annexed from them during the Six-Day War in 1967. Israel maintains that Jerusalem will not be divided, and has cut it off from the Palestinian-controlled West Bank with the erection of a security wall.
If and when the peace talks between the two sides continue, the status of Jerusalem will be paramount, and control of this holy city may come down to quite literally the situation on the ground and just who owns how much of it.
Dot-p-s, because any sovereignty you can get counts
The Israeli-Palestinian Numbers Game
There was an old woman who lived in a tent
Hebron is the city where Jews and the Muslims find their common ground in their shared patriarch Abraham. From him was descended Issac, father of the Jewish people and Ishmael, from whom came the Muslims.
Thousands of years on, it is a tension point where the two warring peoples have to live closer together than anywhere else in the West Bank.
Hebron - where the Jews and Palestinians met and parted ways
Cheat Sheet: Palestinian Territories
Friends without borders
A volunteer group hopes pen pals will help break down barriers between India and Pakistan.
Bollywood in Pakistan
Movies and music are transcending boundaries in the Indian subcontinent.
India-Pakistan Friendship
Their governments may be at odds with each other, but some children are choosing peace over conflict. brings you the handmade personal greetings by kids from one side of the border to the other.
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The Chinese in Canada: a survey
These are exciting times for Chinese immigrants in Canada as China rises in status on the world stage. But with great change comes great conflict.
A House for Asia
Asia House holds the only literary festival in the UK dedicated to books about Asia. Its director Adrienne Loftus Parkins tells Clarissa Tan why such a festival is necessary, and relates Asia House’s journey from a basement to a smart townhouse in the centre of London.
Margin of terror
Sectarian strife within Canada’s Indian community is in the spotlight because of commemorations of Air India Flight 182 which was brought down by Sikh extremists.
Bruce Lee's Enduring Appeal
Gongfu fans still can’t get enough of Bruce Lee whose legend grows with help from David Bowie, David Henry Hwang and Wu Ziniu.
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