50 Million Missing ONE
Every child an artist
Chendur: Picasso said, every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist when we grow up.
This was during a pottery workshop conducted by a non-profit organisation called Vidyaniketan, which means the place that provides education.
A crying child
Chendur:Life is pretty tough for the children in these shelters. Hundreds of shelters constructed on just bare ground and asbestos sheet top adorn the far off areas around Bangalore, India's IT hub with bare minimum basic necessities.
The girl carrying the child must be around 12-14 years old. They may have been sisters but I am not sure as I didn't know the local language. The child was crying louder during the medical camp they conducted frequently there.
The cries grew louder on seeing the camera. The older girl started consoling the child who would later...
Starting to smile
Chendur: ... start smiling.
At this shelter, they help out children of construction worker on very outskirts of Bangalore. They organise informal schools, day care centres for the children who cannot go to school. They require more funds to expand their activities for those children. They also teach people about sanitation and help them with basic medical help.
The construction workers are the invisible force behind the break-neck expansion of Bangalore, while they live in wretched conditions.
Chendur: The day this photo was taken was depressing. It was at a non-profit organisation called Humanitarian Hands near Bangalore. They provide care for mentally challenged elder women, men and children.
Chendur: This was another lady at Humanitarian Hands, which provides shelter for men, women and children
rescued from the streets of Bangalore, India's IT hub.
Between generations
Chendur: This was another lady at Humanitarian Hands, which provides shelter for men, women and children rescued from the streets of Bangalore, India's IT hub.
Just women
Chendur: This photo beautifully symbolizes the need for women across generations to be there for each other.
50 Million Missing ONE
50 Million Missing is an online campaign started by Rita Banerji to highlight the plight of Indian women. According to United Nations figures, there is a total of 50 million missing women in India. They have been purged deliberately, solely because of their gender, through due to abortion of female foetuses, female infanticide, and dowry murders.Read more about them here.
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