Faith of our Fathers Special
Why the King of Thailand never smiles
No one, it is said, has ever seen King Bhumibol Adulyadej smile in public. This may seem an exaggeration, but certainly the Thai monarch often wears an expression of utter seriousness. “A religious ascetic,” Time once called him. Few would dispute that.
No excuses for Khmer Rouge torturer
Duch may have converted to Christianity and apologised for his misdeeds, but the fact remains that he committed heinous crimes.
Thailand: Where coups still rule
The Thais take pride in being the only Asian country that has never been invaded by a foreign power, while always maintaining her sovereignty.
Paper chase
Thai government employs direct marketing strategy to inform citizens of new constitution.
Lina Joy: A case of state-minded religion
So the people of Thailand want to incorporate Buddhism into their constitution? They should first take a look at what happened to a woman called Lina Joy in their southern neighbour, Malaysia.
The Ten-Question-Quiz on Religion and Asia
How many of these questions can you get right without Wiki-pedia? Answers at the bottom.
- The Torii is the gate to which of Asia's holy sites?
- Which are the countries with the largest Muslim populations in the world?
Answers to The Ten-Question-Quiz on Religion and Asia
1. The Torii is entrance to a Shinto shrine and the red Torii floating on the sea, located close to Miyajima island near Hiroshima, is one of Japan's most famous landmarks.
2. Indonesia (206.4 mil), Pakistan (167.2 mil) and India ( 156.44 mil) according to latest figures from the CIA Factbook. Saudi Arabia, home to Islam's holiest sites have 23 million Muslims.
Buddhism divides Thailand
There is a certain political restlessness in Thailand and it is not just dissatisfied political groups taking to the streets, disrupting public order. It also has to do with the document that runs the government.
It was 2007. Thailand stood at a crossroad as her people prepared to vote on a new constitution on 18th August.
Constitutions are nothing new to the Thais. Since the Kingdom of Siam was thrown by a bloody coup in 1932, Thailand has had 17 constitutions and charters.
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